Few Words: An Elaborated Digression on Brevity

We talk too much and so often too loudly without listening. I blame social media and Bravo TV for part of this, along with our ever-growing self-absorption. Through these time-consuming forms of adult entertainment, people now believe that talking over others, loudness and vulgarity, and attacking without listening make a point. P.J. O’Rourke once asked who thought it would be a good idea to create a means of communication like social media that would expose the world to what everyone thinks. When I was a kid, we had a bar soap called Lava. The ad for it read, “Lava, with Pumice.” It was the grittiest soap, like real ground lava with shards of glass thrown in for good measure. It got the dirt and grime off, along with a couple of layers of skin. Heaven help you if you tried…